Sunday, February 19, 2012

Week 4: Hardware Basics

            For my entrepreneurial idea, the specific information encoded in it is the pictures of the clothing and the words in the options that you choose. Each separate piece of clothing is one piece of the information, as well as each word in the choices for weather, mood, and occasion. Also, the instructions for the system are encoded as information.
            Considering a byte can represent 256 combinations, in this system a byte can represent 256 combinations of mood/occasion/weather and also 256 combinations of pieces of one’s wardrobe. Therefore, how many combinations there may be in the options and the articles of clothing, this system can have a storage size of a kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, terabyte, petabyte, etc. It all depends on how many pieces of clothing one has. However, there are only “x” amount of options for the mood, weather, and occasion and therefore the storage space for that would be a specific amount.
            In order for the system to work properly, it has to keep up with how the file formats change over time in order to not deteriorate. When using this system people have to update the software or means of disc format it is on. It may possible start as a CD-ROM to install onto ones computer now, however in a few years a different means will be needed. 

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